Fail on Project Runway!!

Hey Everyone!
I know it's been 2 weeks since I posted a Project Runway Review..
I'm really going to have to discontinue it because of my job and pregnancy.
At 43 years of age, this baby has gotten me soo tired, I just don't have the energy to do anything. I come home from work and prepare dinner, get ready for the next day and I'm shot..
I'm exhausted! Don't get me wrong I look at it and love this season soo far. These designers are really redeeming Project Runway from last season. I really want to review but my poor body won't let me..
Forgive Me!!!!

Also I've went out of town about 2 weeks and think that kind of threw me off my game as well.
I haven't even sewn in about a month, seriously, been to tired to do anything..

I'll try my best to post DIY's and sewing, when I feel energized but for now just look at all of my past post and enjoy..



Until Next Time...


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